Always be safe when purchasing online by being proactive. The reason we prominently post our telephone number on our web site is so members and potential members can call us and talk to us about their needs and our services.
Never send us or anyone else money based on instructions from someone else. Safefunds always acknowledges the receipt of funds by an email to the address entered by our member during enrollment. We expect funds to be received from bank accounts that match our member's information.
Do not send us or any other web company money if you have not personally established the relationship with the web site. Anyone can use your name over the web. If you provide your name and address to someone over the web; they can establish an account at any web site in your name. If you send money to an account in your name, but controlled by someone else; you are at risk.
Always follow up with any web site you send funds to or pay by credit card if you do not receive a DIRECT acknowledgement from them that your funds were received.
Be smart about using the web. We can help. Call us at the numbers listed at or email us at
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
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