Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Financing with Safefunds

Did you know you can use Safefunds to finance your three party transaction? If you are acting as the middle player in a transaction, Safefunds can finance your deal. For example, you have a client willing to use Safefunds as the purchase platform for $100,000 order of widgets. You don't make the widgets yourself, but you want to buy the widgets from the Ace Widget Company. Ace Widget is glad to use Safefunds and make the widgets for $75,000 as soon as you commit your funds. Safefunds can get this deal done. You do not have to invest the $75,000. We will advance your account the necessary funds. Call today for more information on our finance service for three party commercial situations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a note of thanks. We simply could not get our deal financed at the bank. Your service let us close our export deal worth over $225,000 to our bottom line.

Good Job

Mark Sanders