Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanks to you.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, Safefunds is especially grateful for the thousands of Safefunds members in 108 countries around the world. We truly are humbled by the faith and trust you have in our company and the opportunity you have provided us to serve you.

This year, Safefunds grew by a full 100%. It would not have been possible without our loyal members. We're proud to say we can specifically point to over $250,000 in attempted Internet frauds  that we stopped this year. While there is always a new crook, thinking up a new scheme; this year, Safefunds members, following our procedures, were completely protected.

We look forward to 2014 and it approaches and new ways to protect our members and increase our service.

Thank you.

Monday, October 14, 2013

What's in a Name? Everything!

It's that time of year again. Once a again. we have to warn our members' about an  attempt by a potential scam to trade on the Safefunds name and reputation.

A new site, launched in the middle of September. Name sound familiar? They thought so too. Unfortunately, the registrar and hosting firm,,  responsible for keeping the site available is unwilling to give up a few bucks and stop this misappropriation.

So far, we have received about a dozen phone calls. It seems the deal is, "a really serious buyer in Europe will pay top dollar for your Rolex" watch as long as you use this web site for "escrow" .

Sure, sign up, watch the escrow appear, send your watch to Europe, and wait for your money. Have a nice wait.

Again, there is only one It is at Always type the address yourself; never follow a link. If you ever have any doubts, call us up.

Protect yourself. Insist on the real Safefunds.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Be Safe Online with Safefunds

Always be safe when purchasing online by being proactive. The reason we prominently post our telephone number on our web site is so members and potential members can call us and talk to us about their needs and our services.

Never send us or anyone else money based on instructions from someone else. Safefunds always acknowledges the receipt of funds by an email to the address entered by our member during enrollment. We expect funds to be received from bank accounts that match our member's information.

Do not send us or any other web company money if you have not personally established the relationship with the web site. Anyone can use your name over the web. If you provide your name and address to someone over the web; they can establish an account at any web site in your name. If you send money to an account in your name, but controlled by someone else; you are at risk.

Always follow up with any web site you send funds to or pay by credit card if you do not receive a DIRECT acknowledgement from them that your funds were received.

Be smart about using the web. We can help. Call us at the numbers listed at or email us at

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

More Special Services from Safefunds

For situations where the traditional buyer seller transaction does not fit your need, Safefunds offers all types of customized services.

For example, if you live in state that does not allow our online service to protect you, we offer our trading service. We will directly buy your item from you. We will resell you item to the person you have connected with who wishes to purchase.  We are not providing you with the regular Safefunds service; we are buying your item and reselling it to another party; but you are still doing business with someone you trust, Safefunds.

 How about more complicated transactions? We handle those, too. Perhaps its a group buying an item or service. We will handle tracking the funds by each member of the group and verifying the funds to the vendor. When the goods or services are delivered, we will pay the invoice. This is a great service for Home Owners Associations, Social Clubs, or just groups of friends.

Whatever your special need for managing a complex business opportunity, call us.

Special solutions are what we do. In the U.S, Canada, and around the globe; Safefunds solves problems.

Contact us at or 1-317-819-1026.